Grindstone banner. Blue muscular warrior is slashing through pink-coloured monsters.

Initially posted on Twitter on December 4th, 2021. Link here

I’m really enjoying Grindstone by @CAPYGAMES!

And I really like the options offered to the player to make the experience more accessible.

1. First, by default, blood splatter effects are turned off!

No guts, just yummy candies & trinkets. You can slide this up to max!.

Grindstone settings with three audio sliders and one slider for blood effects.
Character Jorj is slashing through enemies who splatter into sugar canes and holiday themed trinkets.

2. High contrast mode

On top of ennemies types each being designed differently, you can use the high contrast mode to make it clearer which enemies can be attacked. You can have this set at off/low/max image below is this mode set to maximum.

A Grindstone level which shows how the screen darkens all enemies but the ones Jorj can attack. In this case, the green enemies.

3. Screenshake ON/OFF

We’re not done! If you’re someone who really hates screen shakes, worry not! You can turn them on/off.

Screen shake option checked via Grindstone settings.

4. Onboarding & Progression

The game so far does a great job at introducing & teaching you new mechanics, locations, characters and menus at a steady pace. Instead of everything being explained to you at once, you have a companion to ease you into everything when needed. My brain says thanks!

A rogue style character peeking from the right side of the screen is telling us how to use our newly acquired shield.

This game is gorgeous, fun & available on @AppleArcade (iOS/MacOS) as well as Steam, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch.